
Sedona Safeguard Provides Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions

for the Agriculture and Construction Industries.

Learn HOW SEDONA IT Solutions CAN IMPROVE YOUR business.

To begin, tell us about yourself.


We work with leading dealers and dealer groups across many OEM brands. Our dealer experience includes working with both large dealer groups with hundreds of locations and smaller dealer groups with a handful of locations.

I Lead a Dealership.

Cybersecurity done in a cost-effective way is challenging. Partnering with Sedona Safeguard will reduce your total cost of management, yet still provide your dealership a best-of-breed solution specifically designed for dealers. Let our expertise help your IT team improve your cybersecurity.

I Lead IT.

Balancing cybersecurity with the demands of the rest of IT can be daunting. By partnering with Sedona Safeguard, you can streamline your cybersecurity operations and let your IT team focus on other initiatives rather than cybersecurity management in a cost-effective way.

I manage it or security.

The day-to-day management of cybersecurity from threat management to security awareness training is a broad swath of responsibilities. Let Sedona Safeguard support your cybersecurity efforts, mitigate your dealership's risk, and lower your workload.

I WORK AT A manufacturer.

As specialists in the agriculture and construction industry, we work with leading OEMs to empower their dealers to have cybersecurity excellence. Our experience with manufacturers like John Deere, Kubota and others illustrates the importance of having dealer security control frameworks to lower the cybersecurity risks for OEMs.

I'm a Member of the Executive Team.

We partner with Manufacturers to help elevate cybersecurity efforts. Specifically, we collaborate with OEMs to plan dealer security frameworks to drive an alignment to industry standards, and thus lowering your risk as the OEM. Furthermore, delivering it as an end-to-end program provides a turnkey solution for you. It's your brand on the lot sign. You must protect it.

I Lead cybersecurity.

We work with CISOs to help drive security best practices throughout your dealer network based upon decades of experience working with dealers in collaboration with OEMs. Our contributions to dealer security frameworks coupled with turnkey solutions create a compliance and implementation program that delivers lower risk and improved security posture in a cost-effective manner.

i manage it security.

The day-to-day management of cybersecurity is challenging enough. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get all your security needs done. Let us eliminate your need to support your dealers though our comprehensive dealer-focused cybersecurity program based upon decades of experience working with dealers across North America.

An intro to sedona safeguard